2010 Olympic 'By the Numbers': Part I
Overall Notes on Canada
In the first part of this highlight list, we run down some of the cumulative statistics achieved by Canada’s hard-working 2010 Olympians last month. Part two will take a more detailed look at some of the finer points set by individual athletes.
202: Canadians who competed as Olympians in 2010
26: Total medals won, more than any previous Olympic Winter Games
87: Canadians who won a medal in 2010
14: Gold medals won, the highest number for any country ever at a single Winter Games
72: Canadian Olympians who finished in the top-8
50: Canadian Olympians who finished in the top-5
24: Canadian Olympians who finished 4th or 5th
9: Sports in which Canadian athletes reached the podium
20: Medals won in sports contested on ice
6: Medals won at Cypress Mountain in snowboard and freestyle skiing
10: Medals won by long- and short-track speed skaters (five apiece)
0: The number of Olympic Games that have gone by without both a men’s and women’s curling medal since the sport was re-introduced in 1998
59%: Conversion rate, meaning the percent of athletes identified as potential medallists who succeeded in winning an Olympic medal
100: A milestone for Olympic gold medals won, all-time, by Canadian athletes, set in 2010 by skeleton champion Jon Montgomery (then added to as the Games progressed)
85%: Of Canadians watching TV at the time of the gold medal men’s hockey game, this percent were tuned into the game – for a total of 16.7 million people
92%: Canadians who believe the 2010 Olympic Winter Games had a positive effect on the nation (Angus Reid poll)