Maple Leaf Moments: Winning Rink
Winning Rink: On February 24, 2006, students across Newfoundland and Labrador were excused from class to gather around television sets and watch their Olympic heroes curl to an unforgettable gold medal. The rink of Brad Gushue (St. John’s, NL) Russ Howard (Midland, ON), Mark Nichols (Labrador City, NL), Jamie Korab (Harbour Grace, NL) and Mike Adam (Labrador City, NL) beat Finland 10-4 in the final of the XX Olympic Winter Games in Turin. The win marked Canada’s first-ever gold medal in men’s Curling.
Vancouver Lookback: It was also on this day in 2010 when Kaillie Humphries (Calgary, AB) and Heather Moyse (Summerside, PEI) earned gold in the women’s two-man event: