Olympic Education
Brave is Unbeatable banner

Brave is Unbeatable


Join Team Canada in the Brave is Unbeatable campaign in the lead up to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and encourage your students to embrace their bravery. 

“What we don’t see makes these athletes who they are.
What we don’t see makes us all who we are.
We’re all bravely facing the odds in our lives.
And our bravery is our victory.

The Brave is Unbeatable School Package features five posters that showcase Olympians along with handouts of their stories, elementary school activity sheets and high school activity sheets as well as the audio stories of Olympians. 

Leverage these print-friendly posters featuring inspiring Olympians across your schools to inspire students to be Brave. The posters and brave stories can also serve as daily reminders of the importance of courage, teamwork and resilience in sports and in life.


Display the Brave is Unbeatable Posters in your school.

These posters highlight accomplished Olympians Maude Charron, Phillip Kim, Andre De Grasse, Ellie Black, and Skylar Park. They are designed to share their incredible stories of bravery to inspire students and help them connect with the values of bravery, hard work, dedication, and resilience within your schools. 

Each Poster is available in 24” by 36” or 8” by 14”. 

Download the Athlete Stories and accompanying learning activities to use in your classroom. 

Athlete stories: Each short story is told in the perspective of the athlete to allow students to connect with each story and inspire them to find their bravery within. 

Activity sheets: 

  • Elementary School: The handouts will provide students with an opportunity to express their interpretation of bravery through drawings and written responses to question prompts. 
  • High School: Students will be encouraged to share their experiences by reflecting on a past challenge they have conquered or someone who currently inspires them to be brave.

Listen to the audio recordings of featured Olympians’ #BraveIsUnbeatable stories!

Learn more about Brave is Unbeatable here.

Download Files

Contact Us

Canadian Olympic School Program
500 West René-Lévesque Blvd, 2nd floor
Montréal, QC Canada H2Z 1W7