Brandi Jacobson Prentice


Languages spoken:

English, some french

Sibling(s) Name(s) (date of birth):


Training Location(s):

Montreal, QC


Loren Prentice

Senior national athlete since:


Nickname (s):

B, Beej

College/ University (year graduated):

University of Mount Royal, Calgary AB 2009

Focus of studies:

Personal Fitness Training

Canadian, World or Olympic records held (at any time):

Junior World Champion x4
Junior National Champion x15
Five 18&Under Junior National titles (record)

National titles (include event, year):

2010 Women’s Doubles – Gold

Career notes prior (excluding Olympic):

4 time Jr World Champion
15 time Canadian Jr Champion
Youngest player to be named to Jr team

World Championship appearances – Best results by year:

2010 Women’s Doubles – Bronze (with Frederique Lambert)