15 embarrassing celebrity sports moments
During the month of September, Olympic.ca will be exploring “What makes the perfect athlete?” The goal is not to craft a definitive answer, but to acknowledge great athletes and achievements in sport – Canadian and international – throughout the month and welcome fans to discuss their favourite heroes and moments.
READ: G’O Canada – amazing Canadian individual athletic feats
Some athletes gain so much notoriety that they become celebrities, while some celebrities gain such notoriety that they attempt to become athletes. Most of the time, the latter ends up producing hilarious results.
Here is a list of some celebrities that should have stuck to their day jobs:
50 Cent’s first pitch (ever?)
The best part of this video, other than the fact that the catcher doesn’t even have a chance to actually catch the pitch, is the fact that NY Mets pitcher Jon Niese can’t help but laugh out loud at Fiddy.
Kevin James attempts a ‘tweener
Hitting a between-the-legs tennis shot is easy, right? I applaud James for even attempting this, but the result was anything but spectacular (just ask the line judge that he almost bowls over).
Justin Bieber should stick to…whatever he does
Justin Bieber was definitely out of place at the 2011 NBA All-Star Celebrity game.
Carl Lewis attempts to sing the national anthem
Many dispute the legitimacy of Carl’s accomplishments, but there is no disputing his lack of singing ability.
Gordon Ramsay needs a stretcher
Gordon Ramsay is used to abusing other chefs in the kitchen, but when it comes to the soccer field, he is the one receiving the abuse.
Rob Ford’s football fail
He may not be a typical “celebrity”, but this video of Rob Ford’s football skills (or lack there of) helped him gain international notoriety, among other things.
Carly Rae Jepsen / Mariah Carey first pitch
Singers are usually great at managing their pitch (yup I went there), but these two ladies needed a little more practise before trying out the baseball version.
Obama’s basketball abomination
How often has the White House Press Secretary had to defend the President’s ability to shoot a basketball?
Lil’ Wayne tries to be a skater
Instead of using his pipes, Young Money tried to ride halfpipes. The result is flat out hilarious.
Charles Barkley’s golf swing
It might look like a joke, but this is actually how Charles Barkley swings a golf club. If you find yourself on a tee box anywhere near Sir Charles, you may want to wear a helmet.
Roseanne Barr’s star spangled disaster
Who decided that it was a good idea for Roseanne to sing (I assume that’s what she’s trying to do) the national anthem before this San Diego Padres game?
Chris Brown gets posterized
Who told Chris Brown that he could defend an NBA player? Andre Drummond shows Brown why he should stick to singing.
Tony Danza flips a go-kart
In a go-kart race against NASCAR driver Rusty Wallace, Danza gets shown who’s the boss.
Louie Anderson flipping out
Comedian Louie Anderson took part in a celebrity diving show called Splash and showed why he chose comedy instead of professional diving.
Bow Wow breaks Nelly’s ankle with a crossover
It’s one thing for a celebrity to get embarrassed by a professional athlete, but when you get crossed over this hard by another celeb, it’s just sad.