Hi, our names are Jen Kish and Ashley Steacy and we play rugby

Hello my name is…” is a series dedicated to learning more about some of Canada’s top summer athletes ahead of Rio 2016.

Like they do on the field, Jen and Ashley ploughed their way through these questions with ease.

They both consider themselves a couch potato and wish that they could teleport (yeah but who doesn’t?!). Find out more about these amazing rugby personalities.

Women's team captain Jenn Kish dives for one of her many tries during the tournament. (Photo: Canadian Press)

Women’s team captain Jenn Kish dives for one of her many tries during the Toronto 2015 Pan Am Games. (Photo: Canadian Press)

Jen Kish

Jen-Kish---My-name-is Jen-Kish---Draw-yourself Jen-Kish---Olympic-moment Jen-Kish---Best-candy Jen-Kish---Fav-joke Jen-Kish---Spare-time Jen-Kish---When-i-was-little Jen-Kish---Draw-an-animal Jen-Kish---Fav-sandwich Jen-Kish---Fav-sports-team Jen-Kish---Live-anywhere Jen-Kish---Lunch Jen-Kish---Olympic-host Jen-Kish---Draw-a-medal Jen-Kish---Fav-workout Jen-Kish---Sports-movie Jen-Kish---Superpower Jen-Kish---Cursive


Get to know Sara Kaljuvee

Ashley Steacy

Ashley Steacy in action at 2015 Canada Sevens (Photo: Lorne Collicutt/Rugby Canada).

Ashley Steacy in action at 2015 Canada Sevens (Photo: Lorne Collicutt/Rugby Canada).

Ashley-Steacy---My-name-is Ashley-Steacy---Draw-yourself Ashley-Steacy---Fav-Olympic-moment Ashley-Steacy---Best-candy Ashley-Steacy---Fav-joke Ashley-Steacy---Fav-sports-movie Ashley-Steacy---Live-anywhere Ashley-Steacy---LunchAshley-Steacy---Fav-sports-team Ashley-Steacy---Draw-an-animalAshley-Steacy---Olympic-host Ashley-Steacy---Sandwich Ashley-Steacy---Spare-time Ashley-Steacy---Superpower Ashley-Steacy---WorkoutAshley-Steacy---Weirdest-instruction