Olympic rings in front of a Tokyo bridge

Team Canada lands in Tokyo

We are days out from Tokyo 2020, which means Team Canada athletes are working their way to Japan and the Olympic Village. Check out some of what they experienced en route!

Bags Packed ✔️

Team Canada has packed their bags, said their goodbyes, and are ready to take flight.

Mountain Bike: Peter Disera

Peter Disera and teammate Haley Smith enjoyed a wonderful sendoff party from their families and friends before heading to Tokyo.

Fencing: Eli Schenkel

The final debate before they left for the Games… might we say that is definitely one for the memory books!

Soccer: Janine Beckie

If your bags aren’t full of Team Canada swag like Janine Beckie, are you even going to the Olympics?

Mountain Bike: Catharine Pendrel

Sometimes the biggest Team Canada fans come in the smallest sizes (and they give the best hugs)!

Field Hockey: Matthew Sarmento

The humble and grateful attitudes will always be something that we admire about our Canadian athletes.

Bon Voyage, Canada! ✈️

Team Canada has boarded the plane and are on their way to Tokyo 2020!

Wrestling: Danielle Lappage

Danielle Lappage and teammate Erica Wiebe were surprised with an amazing family and friend send-off before their journey to Tokyo – hit us right in the feels!

Softball: Sara Groenewegen

A 37-hour travel day? Wow! Did you know that this is the first time softball will be on the Olympic program since 2008? Double wow!

Taekwondo: Yvette Yong

The ultimate ticket to the start of an amazing journey! Does anyone else know where we can get one of these?

Road Cycling: Leah Kirchmann

When there are places to go, things to see and medals to win, there’s always a few bags to check.

👋 Tokyo!

It’s official. Team Canada has landed at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games!

Soccer: Adriana Leon

That feeling when you’ve arrived in Japan and it’s almost game day!

Swimming: Brent Hayden

How many Team Canada athletes and staff do you see?

Basketball: Kayla Alexander

Kayla Alexander reading her book “The Magic of Basketball” to Kim Gaucher‘s daughter will be the most wholesome event of the Olympics – calling it now.

Weightlifting: Rachel Leblanc-Bazinet

The Olympic rings, oh how we’ve missed you.

Soccer: Christine Sinclair

#SquadGoals – there’s something to be said about training in the host country with your team ahead of the Games.